API RP 556 (R2019)

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Covers recommended practices that specifically apply to instrument and control system installations for fired heaters and steam generation facilities in petroleum refinery and other hydrocarbon-processing plants. Also discusses the installation of primary measuring instruments, control systems, alarm and shutdown systems, and automatic start-up and shutdown systems for fired heaters, steam generators, carbon monoxide or was-gas steam generators, gas turbine exhaust-fired steam generators, and unfiredwaste heat steam generators. Although the information has been prepared primarily for petroleum refineries, much of it is applicable without change in chemical plants, gasoline plants, and similiar installations.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 940 KB
Redline File Size:
2 files , 2.4 MB
Product Code(s):
C55602, C55602, C55602
This product is unavailable in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria